The problem with Christians

It seems to be very popular to complain about Christians and their intolerance, and to cite religion generally (and often Christianity in particular) as a source of evil in the world. This opinion is expressed in books and blogs, the media, and in private conversations. As a Christian, let me expound a little on this view of Christians.

Most of the time, the complaint is deserved. We behave badly, in a non-Christian manner, and end up defaming Christ. This is partly due to human weakness - is there any leader or follower of a political or social movement who has not fallen or failed in one way or another? - but in some (and the most important) instances it is more than that. 

We all expect people to lose their temper, make mistakes, and the like. The real problem is that when we are presented with an issue like abortion or gay marriage we fail to think first and respond later. In fact, I would go farther: we fail to think.

Following Christ is not about a set of rules and regulations that can be applied to every situation or question that life brings. It is not about simplistic views of right or wrong (although it does acknowledge there is right, wrong, good, evil, and truth, in a pure sense). It is about love, though, since Jesus said that the entirety of God's law can be summed up in loving God and loving others. And there is the problem. We are not responding in love if we demean people instead of debating them on an issue. And when we actually attack people in the name of God, we are neither "doing God's will" or "do[ing] unto others" as we have been taught.

Ben Witherington has spent a lot of time thinking about what it means to be a Christian. His recent post on the murder of a doctor in the US is instructive to us on what a Christian response ought to be. Have a look at it here. And be sure to read the comments; Ben explains the underlying reasons for his views in more detail in response to someone's post.

I strive to be this thoughtful, to be truly Christian in my actions. And I fall short, as all of us fall short of the glory of God, as Paul says in Romans. Acting in love is not easy, but with God's grace I sometimes get it right. I ask your forgiveness for the times I don't. 


Heather Smith said…
You leave me with lots to think about, as usual.
CLB said…
Ben Witherington's post is very thought provoking as is your post. At times I have been guilty of the oh my look at what the wacky Christians are doing. I need to remember not to paint everyone with the same brush.

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