More about Abu Dhabi
I didn't realise that Abu Dhabi is basically on an island. At last, the city of Abu Dhabi is on an island. The Emirate, the largest of the United Arab Emirates, is composed of a large mainland portion and a number of islands in the Arabian Gulf.

Incredible plans are in place for one of these islands. Saadiyat lsland will be home to 150,000 people as well as an incredible tourism destination. A quick look at the cultural district shows why.
Of the five amazing facilities planned for this area of the island, three stand out in my opinion due to their focus, their pedigree, and their design:

The Louvre Abu Dhabi will include both permanent and visiting collections, and its design incorporates light and shadow via a canopy that allows sunshine through.

The Louvre Abu Dhabi will include both permanent and visiting collections, and its design incorporates light and shadow via a canopy that allows sunshine through.
The Frank Gehry-designed Guggenheim Museum certainly continues in the Gehry tradition (and surpasses the Guggenheim in Bilbao). To be situated at a point on the island, jutting out into the water, this will be a striking landmark.
Finally, my favourite. Like something out of Star Trek - an alien lifeform that travels the galaxy under its own power, the Performing Arts Centre designed by Zaha Hadid will surely become as famous an icon as the Sydney Opera House. (The illustrations below show exterior and interior views.)

Abu Dhabi is already a wonderful place to visit. Saadiyat Island will only make it more attractive as a place to visit and to live.
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